News archive


[4.8.2009] MobiSpray at SIGGRAPH 2009. I presented today a research paper on MobiSpray at the International ACM SIGGRAPH conference in New Orleans USA. The paper was also released today in a special issue of 'Leonardo', the Journal of the International Society of the Arts, Sciences and Technology, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 332–341, 2009. The paper can be found here.

[30.1.2009] MobiSpray at Mobile World Congress 2009. Come and visit me at the Symbian Foundation stand on 16.-19.2. in Barcelona and try out MobiSpray, my revolutionary 'Mobile phone as spray can' art tool.

[3.11.2008] SpiegelOnline article about MobiSpray. Germany's most popular online magazine SpiegelOnline reports on MobiSpray.

[23.10.2008] MobiSpray at SkyNews. An article titled 'Mobile Phone Turned Spray Can' appears in Skynews after Mobispray caught lots of attention at the Smartphoneshow in London during 21.-22.10.

[24.10.2008] Jürgen Scheible featured on SkyNews. MobiLenin is featured in Technofile, which is Skynews' online technology magazine where he talks in a video about Python for S60.

[21.10.2008] Jürgen Scheible talks at Keynote - Panel session: Who will win the runtime race? at the Smartphoneshow 2008 in London. Symbian invited Media artist and PyS60 pioneer Jürgen Scheible to represent Python for S60 at their keynote session on 22.10.2008.

[21.10.2008] Live performance of MobiSpray at Smartphoneshow party in London. Symbian invited the Media artist MobiLenin (Jürgen Scheible) to give a MobiSpray live performance at their fancy evening party of the Smartphoneshow in Lodnon on 21.10.2008.

[15.10.2008] Smartphoneshow in London showcasing Mobispray. Nokia invited MobiSpray to be shown as live performances at their stand at the Smartphoneshow in Lodnon 21.-22.10.2008.

[17.9.2008] Interop, the leading business technology event featured Jürgen Scheible on their main blog, showing a video interview made by Tech Journalis David Spark on Mobitoss during WEB 2.0 conference on 16.-19.9.2008 in New York.

[1.10.2008] Urbanscreens 2008 conference showcasing Mobispray and MobiToss. MobiLenin was invited with MobiSpray and Mobitoss to show them at the USM08 Multimedia Program during on 3.-8.10.2008.

[10.9.2008] WEB 2.0 EXPO in New York showcasing Mobispray and MobiToss. Nokia invited MobiSpray and Mobitoss to be shown as live performances at their stand at the WEB 2.0 conference on 16.-19.9.2008.

[10.8.2008] Special mention in MindTrek Awards - Nokia Ubimedia, for MobiSpray project, for a creative concept combining traditional media and natural interaction to paint big pieces of urban art.

[18.9.2007] Book announcement: Mobile Python. During the spring and summer I wrote a book together with Ville Tuulos called Mobile Python - Rapid prototyping on the mobile platform. It includes over 100 inspiring and fully working Python for S60 application examples that can be instantly executed on your S60 phone. It also holds a foreword by Guido van Rossum and Eric von Hippel. The book is published by Wiley. I hope you will have great fun with this book!
You can buy it from Amazon or Wiley.

[17.1.2007] Manhattan Story Mashup videos. Some videos I made documenting the Manhattan Story Mashup event. Check out the videos here ...

[4.11.2006] Winning ACM Scholarship Award in Hollywood. Jürgen Scheible is one of the 3 winners of the 2006 ACM Computers in Entertainment $15,000 Scholarship Award. More below.


Dr. Jürgen Scheible
Aalto University,
School of Art & Design,
Media Lab
Hämeentie 135C
FIN-00560 Helsinki, Finland

Meeting Quincy Jones. More

Meeting Dr. Alan Kay. More

Meeting Guido v. Rossum. More


Programming Skills:
- Mobile app programming
- Python programming
- PHP programming
- Database programming
- Flash AS programming
- Max/MSP programming
- Apple script programming

New Media Design Skills:
- Mobile app design
- Mobile media production     (iPhone, iPad)
- Flash app Design
- MySQL Database design
- Server application design     (MySQL, PHP, Python
- Game design
    (Flash & Java & Director)
- Digital video production
    (pre, post production)
- DVD production
- Music / Sound production
    (composing, recording,     editing, mastering)
- Web design (HTML, Java     Script, Flash, Shockw.)
- Concept design - Project management

Software skills:
- Python
- Adobe Flash
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Dreamweaver
- Final Cut
- DVD Pro
- Logic studio (Music)
- Adobe Premiere
- Adobe After Effects
- Pure Data (Pd)
- MAX/MSP/Jitter


Copyright © 2011 Jurgen Scheible