Info: Multi_query, Selection_list, Multi_selectionlist

Example script that perfoms all UI's offerd by the appuifw module:





Multi_query: appuifw.multi_query(label1, label2)

The multi_query function creates 2 dialogues (2 input fields) at the same screen.

import appuifw
data1,data2 = appuifw.multi_query(u"Type your first name:",u"Type your surname:")
print data1
print data2

Example script:




Selection_list: appuifw.selection_list(choices=list , search_field=1)

import appuifw

# define the list of items (put a u in front - items must be written in unicode!)
L = [u'cakewalk', u'com-port', u'computer', u'bluetooth', u'mobile', u'screen'', u'keys']

# create the selection list
index = appuifw.selection_list(choices=L , search_field=1)

# use the result of the selection to trigger some action (here we just print something)
if index == 0:
    print "cakewalk was selected"
    print "thanks for choosing"


NOTE: search_field=1 displays a search pane at the end of you list

search_field=0 no search pane is displayed

Example script:


With search pane:



2 different ones:
1. with checkbox: appuifw.multi_selection_list(list , style='checkbox', search_field=1)
2. with checkmark: appuifw.multi_selection_list(L , style='checkmark', search_field=1)

# 1. with checkbox:

import appuifw

# define the list of items (items must written in unicode! -> put a u in front)
L = [u'cakewalk', u'com-port', u'computer', u'bluetooth', u'mobile', u'screen', u'keys']

# create the multi-selection list with checkbox
index = appuifw.multi_selection_list(L , style='checkbox', search_field=1)

Example script:


# 2. with checkmark:

import appuifw

# define the list of items (items must written in unicode! -> put a u in front)
L = [u'cakewalk', u'com-port', u'computer', u'bluetooth', u'mobile', u'screen', u'keys']

# create the multi-selection list with checkmark
tuple = appuifw.multi_selection_list(L , style='checkmark', search_field=1)


Example script:




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