PyS60 installation 2nd and 3rd edition devices:

Installing Python for S60 on your phone:


1. Download the latest Python for S60 interpreter application for free according to your phone model from here:

Basically you need to get 2 files:

a) The Python interpreter itself: PythonForS60_.....SIS
b) The Scriptshell: PythonScriptShell_.....SIS

For example for 2nd edition phones:

PythonForS60_1_3_18_2ndEd.SIS (for phone models such as: 6600, 6630, 6670, 7610, ...)

PythonForS60_1_3_18_2ndEdFP3.SIS (for phone modes such asl: N70, N90, ...)

For example for 3rd edition phones:

PythonForS60_1_3_18_3rdEd_selfsigned.SIS (for phone model such as: N80,N93, ...)


2. Install the downloaded files in the same way as any other S60 application but in the order of a) then b) (as downloaded) via Bluetooth, Nokia PC Suite, or USB cable to your phone.

Note: on 3rd ed. phones you need to create a folder named 'Python' to your e: drive (memory card) to which you will transfer your self written scripts later.

More installation details can be found from: PyS60 wiki


Which PyS60 interpreter for you phone model:

Check here the Nokia S60 devices to find out which edition and feature pack your phone Model has, in order to be able to download the correct kind of PyS60 interpreter. Select your phone model and look for Developer Platform, there it says if it is e.g. S60 3rd Edition or S60 2nd Edition, Feature Pack 3 ... phone. On the download site of the PyS60 interpreter inside the file name you will then recognise e.g. _3rdEd_ refers to S60 3rd Edition or _2ndEdFP3_ refers to 2nd Edition, Feature Pack 3.


Demo example files provided by Nokia


PythonForS60_doc_1_3_18.pdf It is a helpful documentation on Python for Series 60 API's.

Python Library Refernence (2.2.3) It is useful for checking out standard Python stuff.

Other documents:




Script editor:

Regarding writing and editing your python script any simple text editor on Mac or PC goes.

A free editor is e.g. "ConText": ConTEXTsetup.exe

Python plug-in for the Symbian SDK (e.g. need to make stand-alone applications)

From Nokia's download site of Python for Series 60 you find the zip files witht the ending The package includes a the Python for S60 SDK plug-in (.exe).





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