This website is created and maintained by Jürgen Scheible
[4.8.2009] MobiSpray at SIGGRAPH 2009. I presented today a research paper on MobiSpray at the International ACM SIGGRAPH conference in New Orleans USA. The paper was also released today in a special issue of 'Leonardo', the Journal of the International Society of the Arts, Sciences and Technology, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 332–341, 2009. The paper can be found here.
[30.1.2009] MobiSpray at Mobile World Congress 2009.
Come and visit me at the Symbian Foundation stand on 16.-19.2. in Barcelona and try out MobiSpray, my revolutionary 'Mobile phone as spray can' art tool.
[3.11.2008] SpiegelOnline article about MobiSpray. Germany's most popular online magazine SpiegelOnline reports on MobiSpray.
[23.10.2008] MobiSpray at SkyNews.
An article titled 'Mobile Phone Turned Spray Can'
appears in Skynews after Mobispray caught lots of attention at the Smartphoneshow in London during 21.-22.10.
MobiToss. Throw you photo or video to a large sceen with a' throwing gesture'. Check the video and see how it works, but also visit the gallery of ready art pieces.
Video: Python S60 workshop given by Jurgen Scheible @ UIAH Media Lab, Helsinki. See what New Media Students did with PyS60.
Video: Python S60 workshop given by Jurgen Scheible @ Berkeley University, California / Yahoo Research Labs Berkeley. See what CS Students and Yahoo staff did with PyS60.
Video: Comments by people who use PyS60. See and hear what they say.
MobiLenin: The Interactive Art Project
My international award winning research project that bridges Art & Technology. It uses Python on Smartphones and large public displays to bring new kinds of social experiences to people. It includes an interactive music video. More
Talks, workshops and tutorials given by Jurgen Scheible:
Vancouver, ACM Multimedia , Tutorial 10/08
Linz, Univ. Art & Design , Workshop 03/08
Helsinki, Media Lab, PyS60 workshop, 02/08
Oulu, MuM07 conference , Tutorial 12/07
TeliaSonera Helsinki, Tutorial 12/07
Oulu, UBI Life research proj.Tutorial 11/07 Augsburg, ACM Multimedia, Tutorial 09/07
Univ. Aalborg, Denmark, Tutorial 09/07
Nokia-Siemens Helsinki, Tutorial 08/07
Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan, PyS60 WS 08/07
Beijing BUCT, PyS60 Workshop 07/07
Singapore FN Champion day, talk 06/07
Toronto OCAD, PyS60 tutorial 05/07
Amsterdam, MobileMusic WS 05/07
Sao Paulo, Brazil PyS60 W S 03/07
Manaus, Brazil PyS60 WS 03/07
Brasilia, Brazil PyS60 WS 03/07
Recife, Brazil PyS60 WS 03/07
Bossa conf. Brazil PyS60 WS 03/07
Potsdam Hochschule PyS60 talk 02/07
Stanford University PyS60 WS 11/06
Beihang Univ. Beijing PyS60 WS 11/06
Nokia FN Days Praq PyS60 tutorial 10/06
DTU Copenhagen PyS60 workshop 08/06
Tallinn University PyS60 workshop 10/06
MIT Innovation Lab PyS60 talk 09/06 (invited by Eric von Hippel)
Ars Electronica PyS60 workshop 08/06
NTU Taipei PyS60 workshop 06/06
Bogota PyS60 talk 05/06
MIT Boston, PyS60 tutorial 01/06
Stanford University, PyS60 tutorial 01/06
Adobe Headquartes, San Francisco 01/06
Nokia, Mountain View 01/06
IDEO, San Francisco 01/06
Yahoo, Santa Clara 01/06
Google, Mountain View (visit) 01/06
Symbian headquarters, London12/05
/ Address:
Jürgen Scheible
University of Art & Design, Helsinki
Media Lab / Mobile Hub
Hämeentie 135C
FIN-00560 Helsinki, Finland
Meeting Quincy Jones. More

Meeting Dr. Alan Kay. More
Meeting Guido v. Rossum. More
Programming Skills:
- Flash AS programming
- Director programming
- Apple script programming
- Python programming
- PHP programming
- Database programming
- Mobile Client programming (Python)
- Lingo programming
New Media Skills:
- Mobile application design
- Director application design
- Flash Design
- MySQL Database design
- Server application design (MySQL, PHP, Python,
- Mobile media production (video, audio, xhtml, wml)
- Game design
(Flash & Java & Director)
- Digital video production
(+ pre-, post production)
- DVD production
- Music / sound production
(composing, recording, editing, mastering)
- Web design (HTML, Java Script, Flash, Shockw.)
- 3D graphic & animation
- Learning content design
- Script writing
- Transforming ideas into technical concepts
- Project management
Software skills:
- Macromedia Director
- Macromedia Flash
- Macromedia Fireworks
- Macromedia Dreamweaver
- Adobe Premiere
- Adobe After Effects
- Adobe Photoshop
- DVD Pro
- PHP 4.0
- Python
- 3ds max
- Sound Forge
- Cakewalk
- Pure Data (Pd)
- MAX/MSP/Jitter
- Quicktime Pro
- Various Nokia SDK's & tools